* Chris surfed through a hurricane (is that why his hair looks like that?) * JC jumped off a two-storey building * Lance searched for a murderer in a forest at night (and here I thought he was a chicken) * The first time JC went skiing, he knocked over a whole rack of skis, while a ski competition was going on and all the professionals were watching!! Ahhh! * Joey has two tattoos, they are a superman and the *N Sync flame * Justin hated JC when they were on the Mickey Mouse Club together. They were not friends. Ironic, huh? * Justin was Britney Spears' first kiss, but she wasn't his! A girl named Mindy from MMC was Justin's first kiss. (awww!) * one of Lance's highschool friends committed suicide when they were in highschool together. That is why he is such a good listener now * JC sleeps with a stuffed animal from every show (awww....that's so cute!) * Lance fought with a bull in Mexico * JC is still uncomfortable with screaming girls (better get used to it!) * Lance likes girls who are loving and cute (any volunteers?) * Justin has an issue about privacy; he doesn't like to be stalked (are you listening teeny-boppers?!) * JC says "A bag of fleas is easier to control than our dear Chris Kirkpatrick." * Chris is very shy around girls (I don't believe it!) * Joey likes taking pictures, because he likes the way he looks (very confident, aren't we?) * Joey snores (very cute) |